Toi Ohomai Health Sciences Building

Mokoia Campus, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty

The punchy, emerald green silhouette mirrors the forest and mountains of Rotorua’s southern limits. Chased concrete panels and steel grate sunscreens juxtapose traditional Māori lines of the campus’ neighbouring Marae.

Teaching spaces, science laboratories, social scenes, staff offices and a lecture theatre make up the programme, whereby learning is the spectacle. As pedagogies shift toward interactive and student-centred models, so too must the spaces. Designed as purpose-built nursing, health care and sports sciences facility, the proposal offers tertiary education to parallel professional life. The specialist areas are versatile to collapse into intimate clusters or gather as large learning groups. 


Te Whare Toi Ohomai Mātai Hauora

Te whaitua o Mokoia, Rotorua, Waiariki

Ko te matauri o ngā kōhatu kānapanapa ka whakaata i ngā ngāhere me ngā pae-maunga i te tonga o Rotorua. Ka upane te hono o ngā rārāngi i whakairo ki ngā raima pūkiore me ngā kuoro maitai ki ngā whakairo Māori i te marae e noho tata nei.

Ko ngā whakahaere i konei he whare ako, he taiwhanga pūtaiao, he waahi whakawhanaunga, he tari kaimahi me tētahi whare kauhau. E nuku ana te āhua ki ngā papa mahi/ papa ako kia pāhekoheko me ngā tauira, ā, me pērā hoki te taiao e noho nei rātou. He hiahia nō te tono kia noho whakarara te whai mātauranga ki ngā take ringa ngaio. Nā te urutau o te hanga e tarea ana ngā paetara o ngā whare pūkenga te tanuku ki ngā whare noho-taupri, rānei te tūwhera kia noho tahi ki ngā aruaru ako.
